Episode 101 - Preserving Living Soil Biology During Winter with guest Andie Marsh

Episode 101 - Preserving Living Soil Biology During Winter with guest Andie Marsh

The essential nature of living soil is that it is vibrantly alive with a diverse number of species, active fungal systems and is plugged into the larger soil food web. Too often, at the end of the growing season, we simply walk away from our pots, leaving them to the winter elements, or let them dry out in a barn, losing all the biological activity we worked so hard on all summer. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los speaks with soil biologist Andie Marsh about the biological reality of off-season pots, living nutrition and infusions than can be used to keep your soil on simmer all winter instead of killing it, and best practices for firing up your soil in the spring.

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Episode 100 - Cannabis Dosing Strategies: A Detailed Analysis with host Shango Los

Episode 100 - Cannabis Dosing Strategies: A Detailed Analysis with host Shango Los

We are celebrating Shaping Fire episode #100 with a special episode featuring host Shango Los sharing his depth of experience with dosing plans for cannabis patients. Pulling insight and important details from his over decade of experience with cannabis medicine, and interviews he has done with cannabis medicine doctors and researchers, Shango explains a strategic framework of not just cannabis dosing numbers, but rather an entire understanding of how to think through your own ailments and goals so you can figure out your own individualized cannabis medicine needs. Shango shares an incredibly accessible explanation of the Endocannabinoid System, the pros and cons of various consumption methods for patients, explains the mode of action for common cannabinoids as well as specific dosages for a varieties of patients, and walks us through the process of planning a personal cannabis protocol where the patient is in control and empowered to make informed decisions based on both science and patient experience.

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Episode 99 - Exudates! Speaking and Eating and War in the Soil with guest Sarah Lane

Episode 99 - Exudates! Speaking and Eating and War in the Soil with guest Sarah Lane

So many of our efforts as cannabis cultivators are intended to improve the interaction between the plant and soil. And yet, most of us know very little about how plants and microbes really communicate and exchange nutrition and other resources. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with plant biologist Sarah Lane about these extraordinary secretions of plants known as exudates, their essential roles in the rhizosphere, challenges with the 24 hour light cycle, exudates in soilless substrate, and the inadequacy of replacing exudates with molasses when feeding microbe life in the soil.

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Episode 98 - The Compost Supershow with Leighton Morrison

Episode 98 - The Compost Supershow with Leighton Morrison

Compost is not one thing. We use compost to describe a whole range of soil amendments. And some of them don’t live up to what we want compost to do. On this week’s episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los welcomes back soil biologist Leighton Morrison to talk about the varieties of compost and the benefits and challenges of each, the structure and micro-biology of inoculant organic matter, how to make a microbe-rich cold compost without pathogen risk, and a whole lot of insight into the grading, use and storage of compost.

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Episode 97 - Crossbreeding Your First Cannabis Seeds with guest Brandon Potter

Episode 97 - Crossbreeding Your First Cannabis Seeds with guest Brandon Potter

This episode is for folks who would like to make their first cannabis seeds, and for those simply interested in the process. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Brandon Potter about best practices for making your first seeds, how to choose your parents, effective use of pollen, and harvesting, curing and storing your seeds.

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Episode 96 - Teaming with Bacteria with guest Jeff Lowenfels

Episode 96 - Teaming with Bacteria with guest Jeff Lowenfels

The “Lord of the Roots” returns to Shaping Fire with a fourth book in the essential “Teaming with Microbes” soil food web series. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with author and educator Jeff Lowenfels about bacteria’s role in the soil, endophytic bacteria’s rhizophagy cycle ducking into and out of plants themselves, the bacterial life inside cannabis seeds, and how to use these insights in your garden for thriving plants.

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Episode 95 - Psilocybin Mushroom Analytical Testing with guest George Sellhorn PhD

Episode 95 - Psilocybin Mushroom Analytical Testing with guest George Sellhorn PhD

Interest in magic mushrooms has skyrocketed and now, for the first time, enthusiasts have access to analytical lab equipment. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with biochemist George Sellhorn PhD about performing analyses on psilocybin mushrooms, the key analytes including terpenes labs are presently looking at, the differences between cannabis and psilocybin testing procedures, and how to properly store mushrooms at home to preserve potency.

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Episode 94 - Nematodes: Just Don't Call Them Worms with guest Ernie Bernard Phd

Episode 94 - Nematodes: Just Don't Call Them Worms with guest Ernie Bernard Phd

Nematodes are one of the least studied participants in the soil food web. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los speaks with nematologist Ernie Bernard PhD about nematode physiology and habits, beneficial attributes like protecting against pests and creating rich soil, and how to keep parasitic nematodes from becoming established in your garden.

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Episode 93 - Biochar: Building Soil and Memory with guest Cuauhtemoc Villa

Episode 93 - Biochar: Building Soil and Memory with guest Cuauhtemoc Villa

Biochar is an often overlooked soil amendment that can be a game changer for container gardening, hügelkultur and regenerating farmland. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with living soil educator Cuauhtemoc Villa about the vast and varied role biochar can play in cultivation, best practices for making it yourself and how to deploy it in your garden at any scale.

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Episode 92 - Understanding and Breeding S1 Seed Varieties with guests Caleb Nspecta and Ryan Lee

Episode 92 - Understanding and Breeding S1 Seed Varieties with guests Caleb Nspecta and Ryan Lee

There are few things as rewarding as germinating an exploratory pack of S1 seeds to see all the different phenos within. S1 seeds are both a breeders intermediary tool, and a grand adventure in themselves. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Caleb Nspecta and Ryan Lee about what S1 seed lines are, their characteristics and uses, and how to make them.

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Episode 91 - Getting Friendly with Worms with guest Chandler Michalsky

Episode 91 - Getting Friendly with Worms with guest Chandler Michalsky

Worms are an everyday companion in the garden, and most of us barely know them at all. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with living soil educator Chandler Michalsky about worm physiology and activities, how to use their nutritive castings as an extraordinary natural fertilizer and some insights on how to raise worms for all your cultivation needs.

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Episode 90 - Biodynamic Cannabis: Cultivated Awareness with guests Blaire and Daniel AuClair

Episode 90 - Biodynamic Cannabis: Cultivated Awareness with guests Blaire and Daniel AuClair

There are as many methods of growing cannabis as there are cannabis cultivators. For generations, some farmers have used cannabis cultivation as a means to express their spiritual connection with both the earth and spirit. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Blaire and Daniel AuClair about biodynamic growing techniques, specialty foliar preparations infused with intention and the importance of cultivating awareness alongside their cannabis.

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Episode 89 - Autoflower Shortcomings (with some solutions!) with guest Dan Jimmie

Episode 89 - Autoflower Shortcomings (with some solutions!) with guest Dan Jimmie

We love autoflowers here but there is no doubt that some aspects of growing autoflowering cannabis plants can be incredibly frustrating. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los chats with autoflower breeder Dan Jimmie about all the things they dislike about autoflowers, and solutions for a few of them. This is a really honest and comprehensive discussion about the failings of autoflowers from cultivators who love them.

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Episode 88 - Fusarium and Pythium Root Rots in Living Soil with guest Cora McGehee

Episode 88 - Fusarium and Pythium Root Rots in Living Soil with guest Cora McGehee

Fusarium and Pythium root rots attack our plants and we never really know until they wilt, and it is too late. On this episode of Shaping Fire, Shango talks with plant pathologist Cora McGehee about identification of these pathogens, best practices for prevention, and their mechanisms for action, so cultivators take action to protect their gardens.

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Episode 87 - Shango's Indoor Raised Bed with Horizon Soil Technique First Cycle Assessment with Leighton Morrison

Episode 87 - Shango's Indoor Raised Bed with Horizon Soil Technique First Cycle Assessment with Leighton Morrison

How does a horizon-style living soil bed function in real life? On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los and Leighton Morrison assess the first run of Shango’s indoor raised bed implementing regenerative cultivation techniques and the horizon soil strategy as explained in Shaping Fire episode 54. Included are soil layer measurements, fungus gnats, a failed green mulch and the best plants Shango has ever grown.

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Episode 86 - Shango Los as special guest on Curious About Cannabis podcast

Episode 86 - Shango Los as special guest on Curious About Cannabis podcast

On this episode of Shaping Fire, we share with you an episode of the Curious About Cannabis podcast. Shaping Fire host Shango Los was recently special guest on the show. Shango and CAC host Jason Wilson discuss using outdoor regenerative cultivation techniques indoors, the rocky transition from medical to recreational markets for cannabis patients, how to form local growers collectives and how Shango formed the one on Vashon Island, the rise of autoflowers, and some behind the scenes thoughts about the Shaping Fire podcast.

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Episode 85 - Psilocybin Mushrooms and Brain Chemistry with guest Miyabe Shields Phd

Episode 85 - Psilocybin Mushrooms and Brain Chemistry with guest Miyabe Shields Phd

More and more, folks are embracing the mental and physical benefits found in using psilocybin mushrooms in either small or large doses. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los invites Dr. Miyabe Shields PhD back to explain how psilocin stimulates the serotonin and other systems, how differing doses reach specific threshold points and using this knowledge to heal humans.

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Episode 84 - Naming Our Monsters: Is this Post-Prohibition? with guest Dr. Dominic Corva PhD

Episode 84 - Naming Our Monsters: Is this Post-Prohibition? with guest Dr. Dominic Corva PhD

Cannabis normalization is a patchwork of mismatched laws across the country. And this uncoordinated approach creates inefficiencies that cost money, liberties and lives. Only by naming these challenges and facing them straight-on will we have any chance of fixing the American cannabis experiment. On this special episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Dr. Dominic Corva PhD about the impact of state-licensing on long-time cannabis farmers in California, the awkwardness of prohibition and licensed sales existing at the same time, cannabis prohibition as a public health issue, the profitable injustice of non-violent cannabis prisoners, the latest on electrical usage by industrial agriculture cannabis farms and the rise of the citizen scientist.

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Episode 83 - The New Science on Using CBG with guest Dr. Ethan Russo

Episode 83 - The New Science on Using CBG with guest Dr. Ethan Russo

The cannabinoid Cannabigerol (CBG) is so new to being studied that most people are still unclear what varieties of relief it offers. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los welcomes back neurologist Dr. Ethan Russo to discuss his new study published this week compiling patient uses for cannabigerol, the specific ailments CBG works for, and the quality of patient results.

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Episode 82 - Deploying Aerobic and Anaerobic Soil Amendments with guest Leighton Morrison

Episode 82 - Deploying Aerobic and Anaerobic Soil Amendments with guest Leighton Morrison

All life breathes in its own way. We can become better cultivators by understanding the interplay between aerobic and anaerobic microbes and bacteria. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los welcomes back soil biologist Leighton Morrison to discuss the differences between aerobic and anaerobic environments, the interplay between oxygen-loving microbes and bacteria in building soil structure, and how to breathe life into dirt to regenerate your soil.

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